Gilbert-Ash choose NAVcontracts Construction ERP Solution

Xperience Dynamics, an Xperience Group business, was thrilled to welcome new customer, Gilbert-Ash on-board. After looking at a number of providers, the company decided to implement Microsoft Dynamics NAV and NAVcontracts, a specific construction industry ERP solution...

How to harness the power of Outlook for stronger financial control

According to a recent Aberdeen Report “What do Manufacturers look in an ERP solution, March 2017, 50% of the manufacturers surveyed citied “Ease of Use” as the top criteria for selecting an ERP solution – maybe somewhat surprisingly ahead of functionality (48%), total...

Advanced announces acquisition to accelerate Cloud adoption

British software and services company Advanced has announced the acquisition of Hudman, developers of CentralERP, a Cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. The acquisition demonstrates Advanced’s commitment to a cloud-first...